1 Corinthians 15 on What the Resurrection Means to Us

understand what the Bible teaches about the resurrection

1 Corinthians 15 talks about the victory we have in Christ declared and displayed strongly, powerfully through Christ's resurrection. All that the resurrection means to us is not just fit for a yearly easter celebration and memorial. All that the resurrection holds and stands for is something Christians should live by and live from daily.

Watch and listen to the powerpoint-guided message here.

You can also download a pdf guide with the message outline & some questions you can discuss in a group.

Quotes from the message:

"The power of the resurrection enables us to live surrendered and holy lives. We don't need to remain in our sins."

The Christian life is meant to be lived in service to God. And if you're not, you're depriving yourself of a fulfilling & rewarding life.

The life we live as Christians, the life we devote to Christ right now is never pointless. It will have its fruits and it will have its rewards.

photo credit: geralt
